
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Devotions Reflection

 We are created in God's image this means I have God-given creativity and talents.
this week we read the parable of the three servants.

The parable was about three servants, they all got given some bags of money from their master the first one got 5 bags, the next one got given 2 and the last one was given 1 bag of money then the master left.

the first servant decided to work to get more money to please his master he got 5 more bags, the second one decided the same thing and he got 2 more bags of money.

but the last servant who only got one bag agreed to himself that he would burry the money so he wouldn't lose it. and when the master came back the first two said "look I doubled the money you gave me." "good my loyal and faithful servants." said the master, but then the last one said " I buried  the money so I wouldn't lose it." the master was not pleased and said " Go Away my unfaithful, none loyal servant." 

That parable taught me that you shouldn't hide your talent even if you only have one instead you should expand it.

I can apply it to praising God and helping others.

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