In class, we have a goal to know different types of poems and their features
This is the limerick I wrote in class
In class, I learned about limerick poems A limerick poem is a poem that only has five lines and is sometimes humorous And the order is AABBA. All the A rhyme and all the B rhyme. In most limericks they start with me once, there once, there was once, I once met.
My limerick…
I once met a girl from Spain
She loved to play in the rain
but one day she was up a tree
she broke her knee
That clumsy girl from Spain.
I once met a girl from Spain
She loved to play in the rain
but one day she was up a tree
she broke her knee
That clumsy girl from Spain.
Here's one we looked at in class.
Apostle Paul
I once was a man named Saul.
I thought I knew it all.
I persecuted the church.
I went to Damascus to search.
Where Jesus transformed me into Paul.
I had lost my sight
All I could see was night.
I heard Jesus’s voice.
I made Him my choice.
Praise the Lord, I saw the Light.